Printed flyers agitating in support of the war effort

What Have You Given? c. 1917
What Have You Given? (Our War Chest)Artist: Gaar Williams

Keep These OFF the USA, c. 1917
Keep These OFF the USA. Buy More Liberty BondsArtist: John Norton
Publisher: Strobridge Litho. Co. Cincinnati & New York

Keep Him Free, c. 1918
Keep Him Free Charles Livingston Bull - Buy W.S.S. War Savings Stamps Issued By The United States GovernmentArtist: Charles Livingston Bull
Publisher: JL Ketterlinus, Philadelphia (for United States Treasury Department)

For Humanity's Sake, c. 1917
For Humanity's Sake - Save A Life Red Cross Week June 18th To 25thPublisher: Harris Printing & Eng. Co.

Fête Fashion Ball, c. 1917
Fête Fashion Ball For The Benefit Of The Babies' Hospital Tuesday Evening February 14th At Nine In The Commodore Staged By Alexander Leftwich Tickets $7.50 At All Bascom's Agencies GeneralArtist: W O
Publisher: Raymond Fuguet & Co., New York
*Reminds me of a certain modern illustrator's work.

Tilff, c. 1918
Tilff 11-15-18 Aout 1918 Grandes Journees Foraines de Bienfaisance Organisees par 'La Tirelire des Pauvres' Entree-Libree Baraques Foraines-Jeux De Plein Air (Quilles Adresse) Promenades A Anes-Promenades NautiquesArtist: A Hustin

America's Tribute To Britain c. 1918
Published in New York by Marchbanks PressArtist: Fred W Cooper

Buddies c. 1919
"Buddies" - Proud of it - Join a post - Veteran soldiers sailors & marines. National headquarters 19 West 44th St. New York Published by Carey Print Lithography New York

Eat Less, c. 1917
Eat Less And let us be Thankful that we have enough to share with those who fight for freedom{United States Food Administration}

New Spring Drive, c. 1917
The New Spring Drive - Buy War Savings Stamps and Help Save the Country From Autocracy
Buy A Bond, c. 1917
Buy A Bond -[Auto|cracy]- Subscribe At Manufacturers and Traders National Bank on Our Easy Payment Artist: E. SchuererPublisher (?): C E.J. Gowdy

Palais de la Fortune, c. 1917
Ouverture 10 Novembre 1917 Vestiaire Liberal Palais De La Fortune Attractions Jeux d'Adresse Concours etc. 22 Rue Des Dominicains au Profit Des Enfants Necessiteux Des Ecoles Communales Artist: Marcel Jaspar
Publisher: Imprimerie Benard, SoC. An., Liege (Belgium)

Emprunt Francais, c. 1914
Emprunt Francais On Souscrit A La Societe Centrale Des Banques De Province 41, Rue Cambon Paris {Emprunt = borrowing}Publisher: Devambez Imp. Paris

Exposition de Chrysanthemes, c. 1914
Exposition de Chrysanthemes Au Profit Du V.P.P.N. Femmes et Enfants de Soldats Du Samedi 10 au Mercredi 14 Novembre Hotel Suede Artist: Liege Marcel Jaspar
Publisher: Printing Company, Liege

Civilization Vs. Barbarism, c. 1918
Civilization Vs. Barbarism - For Humanity's Sake, Save a Life - Red Cross Week June 18th to 25th.Published by Harris Printing & Engineering Co.

Exposition de Continental Vente de Charite, c. 1914
Exposition du Continental Vente de Charite 13 au 21 Juillet Fleurs & Legumes Au Profite des 'Soupers aux Necessiteux' & 'Cerrte des V' Imp. Benard, Son. An., LiegeArtist: G Hustin
Publisher: Imprimerie Benard, Son. An., Liege

Browning - Uncle Sam's Official Machine Gun, c. 1918
The Browning Uncle Sam's Official Machine Gun A Thrift Stamp a Day Will Help to Keep It Barking Belt holds 250 cartridges Gun weighs 34 1 2 pounds Fires 400 shots a minute Fired 39,000Publisher: Schulte Cigar Stores Thrift Stamp Series--Poster 6

Mope Ti Skamam Netpa! c. 1914
Mope Ti Skahph Netpa! Aeykos Nyptos Oessaaonikhs Natpiotikh Enosis, Boykoypestioy 9 Aenta 20 Aio. B. Nanaxpysanooy AohnaiArtist: Natpiotikh Enosis
Publisher: Aio. B. Nanaxpysanooy Aohnai (Greece)

Pan Ta Psemata c. 1914
Pan ta psemata Patriotike enosis voukourestiou 9 {Translation: Everything is lies Patriotic Union Voukourestiou 9} [Greece]Artist: Natpiotikh Enosis
*The satirical style (and colours) reminds me of the humorous WWI maps, esp. the one by Louis Raemaekers.

Emprunt De La Defense Nationale c. 1914
Emprunt De la Defense Nationale On Souscrit a la Banque Adam 106, Boulevarde Haussmann ParisArtist: A Romay

Scottish War Savings Committee, c. 1917
Scottish War Savings Committee, Palmerston Place Edinburgh - For Honour's Sake Our Cause Is Just - Join A War Savings Association - Go To A Bank Or Post Office To-Day L1 for 15s 6 Buy War SavingsArtist: Forde

Hold Up Your End! c. 1918
Hold up your end! War Fund Week One Hundred Million Dollars Artist: WB King
Published by Form N.Y. 18 Second War Fund

Echo From France c. 1918
An Echo From France 'Buy Liberty Bonds' Space donated By Parfumerie Ed. PinaudArtist: FA Crepaux
Publisher: H&G Klotz, New York.

Pour la France Versez Votre Or, c. 1915
Pour la France Versez Votre Or L'Or Combat Pour La Victoire {Or = gold}Artist: Jules Abel Faivre
Publisher: Devambez, Paris

Boys To The Farm c. 1914
Boys To The Farm - Bring Your Chum And Do Your Bit - S.O.S 'Soldiers Of the Soil' - This is the Official Uniform Authorized by the Canada Food Board - Each Suit Bears This Label Soldiers of the Soil Official Uniform Canada Food Board'. Manufactured exclusively by the Montreal Shirt & Overall Co. Limited. Montreal.Publisher: Howell Lith. Hamilton, Canada.

Bomb Them With War Bonds c. 1914
Printed in London by Hill, Siffken & Co."Between 1914 and 1918, millions of posters were printed and displayed in every country. The U.S. campaigns were the largest. For example, for the First Liberty Loan, two million posters were printed; for the Second Loan, five million; for the Third, nine million; and for the Fourth, ten million.
It is estimated that between 2,000 and 3,000 different poster designs were produced in the U.S. alone for government and civilian agencies. Propaganda has been identified by many as the primary purpose of these posters. One author divided the purposes into the following categories: recruiting; financing; encouraging industrial efforts; raising support for policies; urging conservation of resources; informing the public of food needs; and directing emotions such as courage, pride and hate." [source]There are over 1600 World War I Posters from the Elisabeth Ball Collection at Ball State University (Indiana) that can be viewed segmentally in very high resolution.
These are spectacular...thank you for sharing.
What flag is that on the bloody boots? (2nd one from the top). It looks like red/white/blue. Surely the Netherlands had no intention of invading the USA in 1917? We didn't have much of an army, actually.
Thank you for this post.
The flag is the Imperial German red/white/black, on the Imperial German eagle.
Realistically, the Germans didn't have much of a chance of invading the US in 1917 either, but they could and did sink American boats in the Atlantic...
Great collection of posters, thanks peacay!
Sooo interesting! Thank you!
The magazines of a time can display as much insight into the mores of an era as their visual aesthetic choices in art, fashion and propaganda. Thanks for sharing! Where's the Franz Ferdinand poster?
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